Hi there,
I'm sorry to do this to all of you who have grown accustomed to reading my blog (the three or four of you!). I'm moving my blog to my own domain, and using a slightly more advanced blogging software.
Basically, I managed to screw up my links and can't get them back here for some reason. So I'm switching to Wordpress. It looks to be better for a customized look... And hopefully I'll figure out how to migrate all my old posts from this blog to the new one without having to do so manually (as I had to do when migrating to Blogger in the first place! That should have been my first clue!).
Anyway... Here's the link. If you want me to add a link to your blog, let me know!
I'm sorry to do this to all of you who have grown accustomed to reading my blog (the three or four of you!). I'm moving my blog to my own domain, and using a slightly more advanced blogging software.
Basically, I managed to screw up my links and can't get them back here for some reason. So I'm switching to Wordpress. It looks to be better for a customized look... And hopefully I'll figure out how to migrate all my old posts from this blog to the new one without having to do so manually (as I had to do when migrating to Blogger in the first place! That should have been my first clue!).
Anyway... Here's the link. If you want me to add a link to your blog, let me know!
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Anonymous, At
November 19, 2009 at 7:45 PM
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