My Boring Life

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Crazy Ride #22333

Sunday, 20 May, 2007, 22:56 - Cycling, Travel, Legends

This was another one of those rides that has been mulling around in my head for quite some time. It wasn't until recently that I decided to start just going for these 'insane rides' that I love so much. No support: just me and what I can fit in my Camelbak or get at shops along the way...

This idea was simple: ride to the top of Mount Diablo and back home. When I mapped it out, it looked like about 55 miles each way, and that turned out to be fairly close. The bad part was that I didn't start until 9:55 AM. I would have been a bit better off starting around 6:30 or so; but I'll take it anyway.

I rode up through Fremont and up into Sunol, and then up north on Foothill Road. Then I headed over to Camino Tassajara, which is a nice road out in the rural parts of Alameda and Contra Costa counties. From there, on to Blackhawk Road (not drive or place, road!), and then up Mount Diablo Scenic Road. The climbing is fairly steady, with only a few sections that are almost flat. But at least on this hill, you feel like you are getting somewhere. Out in the sun, though, I could feel that my energy level was not good. But I kept plugging along anyway.

When I got to the intersection with Summit Road, I was a bit disheartened to see the sign that reads 4.5 miles to the summit. But hey, that's what challenges are for, right? Soon enough I was heading into that last broad switchback. And then I nice straight shot up a steep grade for the last 200 yards or so (supposedely, it's 13%, but feels much steeper). The summit is a bit different than your average panorama. Apparently (yeah, this one is a myth promulgated by local businessmen; the view from many of Colorado's peaks are much grander, as is the view from the summit of Denali), you can see more square miles of the earth from Diablo's summit than you can from any point on earth except for the top of Killimanjaro. I can believe that, you can see EVERYTHING up there! Unfortunately, it was hazy today; so the view was a bit less dramatic. Maybe next time! The actual summit is a bit bizarre as well, since it is inside of a building. Circling the summit monument inside just adds to the whole experience...

Anyway, after screaming down the descent, I headed back down into Danville and on over to San Ramon Road (which turns into Foothill Road) via Bollinger Canyon Road and into Sunol. After getting some grindage at the liquor store there, I headed down over Calaveras and into Milpitas. And then to the new Peets... Oh so good!

This ride is well worthwhile, and not so harsh for a 115 mile ride with about 7,500 feet of climbing. Total time was 9:30, including several 20+ minute breaks as I wasn't really in a hurry today. =)


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