More "ordinary" training rides...
Here's the report for the first two centuries of 2009. And also likely the only ones for January and February (since I'm now supposed to taper for the Ironman in March.
For both rides, Joan and I met other friends at The Bike Outfitters (Los Altos) sometime before 8:00 AM to start the rides.
On Saturday January 31, our ride went out to Portola Valley and then up Old La Honda (ascent time for me was 23:15). From there we headed down Highway 84 to San Gregorio where we stopped to enjoy the sun out in front of the store. Then we headed south on Stage Road to Pescadero (if you haven't been through here, it's quite lovely). From there, up and over Haskins Hill and then up (west) Alpine Road to Skyline Blvd. This is a very nice climb. It seems a bit like Page Mill, but a bit easier (and shorter!). From there, down 84 to Woodside and to the end of Canada Road and back to Joan's place. A decent ride, and only one flat for me. 121 miles with probably 7500 feet of climbing (or maybe a little more).

On Saturday February 7, same start; but since the road was still wet from the rain the previous night, we went to Canada Road first. Then we did the Polhemus Loop (bike trail from near the end of Canada to Polhemus Road to Crystal Springs Road to Skyline) to get farther north. We turned around just past what we refer to as the Manatees (a house that has sculptures of Manatees along the street) in Burlingame. From there, we headed back to Woodside, and then up Kings Mountain Road to Skyline. I felt pretty good, but didn't actually keep my time. Too bad, because it was probably close to my record time for that climb! After the climb, a quick trip down 84 back to Woodside and then back to Joan's (with a detour down to Stevens Creek Road on Foothill to make the ride just over 100 miles. 101 miles, and perhaps 4500 feet of climbing...
For both rides, Joan and I met other friends at The Bike Outfitters (Los Altos) sometime before 8:00 AM to start the rides.
On Saturday January 31, our ride went out to Portola Valley and then up Old La Honda (ascent time for me was 23:15). From there we headed down Highway 84 to San Gregorio where we stopped to enjoy the sun out in front of the store. Then we headed south on Stage Road to Pescadero (if you haven't been through here, it's quite lovely). From there, up and over Haskins Hill and then up (west) Alpine Road to Skyline Blvd. This is a very nice climb. It seems a bit like Page Mill, but a bit easier (and shorter!). From there, down 84 to Woodside and to the end of Canada Road and back to Joan's place. A decent ride, and only one flat for me. 121 miles with probably 7500 feet of climbing (or maybe a little more).

On Saturday February 7, same start; but since the road was still wet from the rain the previous night, we went to Canada Road first. Then we did the Polhemus Loop (bike trail from near the end of Canada to Polhemus Road to Crystal Springs Road to Skyline) to get farther north. We turned around just past what we refer to as the Manatees (a house that has sculptures of Manatees along the street) in Burlingame. From there, we headed back to Woodside, and then up Kings Mountain Road to Skyline. I felt pretty good, but didn't actually keep my time. Too bad, because it was probably close to my record time for that climb! After the climb, a quick trip down 84 back to Woodside and then back to Joan's (with a detour down to Stevens Creek Road on Foothill to make the ride just over 100 miles. 101 miles, and perhaps 4500 feet of climbing...

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