My Boring Life

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Flat Clearly

Saturday, 15 July, 2006, 01:24

First the positive thing: today was actually a pretty good day overall. That said, when will they ever finish the construction on Coleman Avenue at 880? I hit a sharp esge in the road coming off the overpass and blew out my back tire. After replacing the tube, I got another flat about 100 yards later. Finally I stuck a patch inside the tire and rode off to the pool. After swimming I went over to the bike shop and got a new tire.

Afterwards, I went over to Orchard Valley Coffee Roasting Company and sat around reading my current book No god But God by Reza Aslan. It's actually quite a well-written history of the Islamic faith. I think he goes a bit far with many of his assertions about the peacefulness of the original religion, but he is Muslim, so we can give him a pass on that one. There was also live music there, The Undergrads, who played a few decent cover songs. Their version of Like A Stone was especially good. They'll be back at the OVC next month, so maybe I'll be there then as well.

Then I had a choice between seeing Pirates of The Carribean or A Scanner Darkly, so I naturally chose Scanner. As the keeper of the Grail said in Indiana Jones, "You have chosen wisely". This was actually a good movie, which perhaps falls into the same tradition as Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas. The only problem I had with the movie were some anti-religion themes in the movie, and a bit of a "drug use isn't so bad" sort of attitude. It's not really the message I would want my kids to see. Visually, the animation of the movie was excellent, and the cast is certainly well-suited to play paranoid drug addicts.

After all that, the 9 mile ride home from the theater was pretty nice at around midnight.


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