My Boring Life

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Unbearable Lightness Of Being (A Triathlete?)...

As if trying to "master" one sport isn't enough, there are those among us who will willingly put their bodies through the torture of racing three different sports in one race. What posses these people? Wouldn't it be better to just master one sport?

The answer comes in the form of this statement: where else are you going to see a man run a marathon in 2:35:21 (Peter Reid of Victoria, BC) AFTER swimming 2.4 miles and biking 112? Why shouldn't people see what limits they can push themselves to?

Having now done a full Ironman triathlon, I can safely say that it is NOT the hardest thing I've ever done. But it is second! The only thing I would classify as tougher would be the HooDoo 500. But that was almost 35 hours longer! So, for one-day events, Ironman takes the prize.

And now that I have done one, my mind is already saying ,"Hey, you can do that a lot faster!" Well, that's a given since my run time was hindered by walking so much of it. Heck, one guy I was ahead of coming out of the bike beat me by almost 2.5 hours. Surely I can get down there near his time... =)

What's left to do? Train for the run better. Do more brick workouts (run immediately after long rides), swim more. The time will come down... Perhaps Ironman Canada next year? We'll see...


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