My Boring Life

Thursday, October 11, 2007

What Really Grinds My Gears v3.0

Saturday, 22 July, 2006, 00:54

This is for the guy that I chewed out at about 12:20 this morning...

When you are walking down the sidewalk and come to an intersection you have a choice between two alternatives. You either push the walk button or you don't. If you're going to push the walk button, wait for the damned light to change. Don't just go waltzing across the intersection. By doing so, you are inconveniencing other people, which is far worse than the fact that you are breaking the law by doing so. If there are no cars around, just walk across without pushing the button, no one will think less of you. In fact, you would have my gratitude if I didn't have to wait for a red light because you don't have any consideration for other people.


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