My Boring Life

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Wild Turkey Blues

Saturday, 18 November, 2006, 10:53 - Running, Legends

Yeah, so this entry has nothing to do with Wild Turkey, or having the blues. it just seemed like a good idea at the time.

After sleeping in my car along a residential street near UC Santa Cruz, I woke up at 6:00 AM and headed over the coffee shop for a morning pick-me-up. After consuming a cup of fine coffee and a cookie, I headed out to the westside of Santa Cruz for the annual Turkey Trot 10K Run.

I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I was aiming for a decent time; possibly pushing my personal record (which I set when I was 12). My time back then of 45:45 has stood as my best time for 18 years, by far my longest standing PR.

I arrived at my parking spot at around 7:00, and parked as close as I could to the start line. Then I sat in my car for 45 minutes reading Harry Potter and drinking plenty of water, coffee and protein drink (Banilla Soy from Trader Joe's). At 7:45, I walked over to registration and got my tshirt and number. Then I went back to my car and put everything I didn't need in there. Then I plugged into my iPod and went for a warmup run around the block. I was generally trying to stay loose, since I had also run about 3 1/2 miles last night after dark.

In the last few minutes I made sure that I was entirely ready (using the 'restroom', drinking a little bit of water, and loosening up as much as I could); but I still felt a little stiff. Well, I thought, there's not much I can do about that now.

When the race started, I was in the back of the pack; though the field was pretty small so that's not saying too much. I began picking my way through the crowd, but keeping my pace down; trying to avoid my mistake from the Mercury News 10K of going out too fast. My first mile was 6:57 (pretty much what I was aiming for), and I was beginning to feel better. I began finding people to pace off of near the second mile mark, now it was just down to a strategy. At the second mile, my time was 14:05; still right on my target pace.

I began to feel a little tired coming into the third mile; but that's pretty normal for me. It often takes me a couple of miles before I begin to really feel good. And sure enough, that was exactly what was happening. My time at 3 miles was 21:30, and at the turnaround (5K) was 22:30. At the 4 mile mark, I was actually beginning to feel that I had a shot at my record (29:05), and the guy just in front of me was keeping a decent pace; so I just made it my goal to keep up with him.

At the five mile mark, my time was 36:35; and I could actually feel my pace slowing down. This was going to take some serious determination on my part. Fortunately, when I made the turn onto Swanton Avenue, I felt a lot better at the thought of being nearly done. Turning onto to Delaware, the home straight, I hit the 6 mile mark at 44:05; and poured on the speed (or as much as I could after 6 miles). And I knew it was within my grasp. When I finished (at 45:37) I was as happy as I could have been. I thanked the guy who had been in front of me for pacing me; and he replied that he had made it his goal to stay in front of me. So we both benifitted from the pacing.

So yeah, 18 years later I kicked 12-year-old-me's ass in the 10K... =)

And to top it off; I got third place in my age group and actually got a medal in a running event for the first time in about 17 years...

All in all, a good experience; and now I'm off to the party at Twisters Bouldering Gym. And my next running goals will be 43:24 for the 10K (7:00 mile pace), and 20:30 for the 5K...


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